Supplying Water to Your Portable Cabin in Missouri
Most portable cabins in Missouri will come without water and electricity. If you love hunting and stay out in the woods for days at a time, you might decide a dry cabin isn’t for you and that you want running water. There are a couple of methods by which you can bring water into your portable cabin in Missouri. The most popular methods include drilling wells, using an RV water pump, and pressurizing a hauled-in supply of water. Robb’s Portable Buildings takes a look at the viability of these options below.
Drilling a Well
Though a tried and true way of supplying your portable cabin in Missouri with water, drilling a well takes a lot of hard work and some serious planning. If you choose to drill a well, you should first contact a state geological office. They can take a look at your land survey and tell you how far you must dig and whether or not you should drink the water beneath your portable cabin. Although they shouldn’t find anything, you must contact the utility company to make sure there are no lines where you wish to dig.
Once you are ready to begin, purchase either PVC or galvanized steel piping and a well screen. Install the well screen to the lowest point of the well piping. Once the hole is finished and the pipe in place, you can add a water pump and filter.
RV Water Pump
At most RV supply and larger camping stores, you can purchase an RV water pump and tank system. This is a cheaper, faster, and more portable option than drilling a well. The main problem here is that you must provide the water. You can search online for filling stations or bring water from home, but you will need to purchase and haul large jugs to and from your portable cabin in Missouri each time you wish to stay.
Pressurized Water Tank
If you want to go completely off-grid, you can use a large 55-gallon drum as a water tank. Seal the drum and use a tire pump to pressurize it to 20 pounds of pressure. Each time you need to use it, you will have to add pressure, but this should be more than enough water to shower or clean dishes. If you use your portable cabin in Missouri for hunting, this should be more than enough for your needs.
Purchase Your Portable Cabin in Missouri at Robb’s Portable Buildings
If you love to hunt or just have a small slice of home in the woods, then nothing beats a portable cabin in Missouri. At Robb’s Portable Buildings, we sell barns, cabins, and sheds. You can easily transport them and move them time and time again. Contact Robb’s Portable Buildings to see if we have what you are looking for.